We believe that investing in individuals’ economic inclusion will drive future innovation and sustainable development forward. For us, it is important to invest in women’s economic inclusion since it leads to gender equality and positive impact for the whole household.
Economic inclusion is about giving marginalized women, youth and groups the means to be in control of their own economic life and helping them improve their economic situation while at the same time improve their status.
Together with other CSO, SOIR-IM develops skill encouraging more women and youth to take training on farm and off-farm based activities, quality enhancement and employment by linking them with different schemes and institutions.
Opportunity to make their own voice heard and secure fair price with good working conditions.
SOIR-IM empowers the marginalized groups to be in control of their own economic life and helping them improve their economic situation. Emphasis is given on developing their skills for employment and increasing access to capital, productive resources and technology and market, build bargaining skills, etc. In addition, efforts are made to link them to other financial institutions and government schemes to widen their options for sustainable income enhancement.