SOIR-IM’s Response to COVID-19

The world is grappling with the menace of coronavirus, a new virus which we don’t know much about. In this situation, preventing people from infection is the only strategy health experts have suggested.

Our work has taken on a renewed urgency in light of the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the globe. SOIR-IM is committed to the people affected by the pandemic. From distributing face masks to providing livelihood support to women, we are supporting the most needy people engaging with other CSOs and encouraging them to join the fight in defeating the spread of the virus.



SOIR-IM undertook following Covid-19 response actions along with other CSOs.

  1. Distributed face masks among community, volunteers and community workers
  2. Distributed sanitation and hygiene kit among the poor and needy households
  3. Extended essential food materials support to the poor artisans and families of children with different abilities  
  4. Livelihood support to marginalised women
  5. Created awareness on COVID-19  in vernacular language at community level